Lily's last day of gymnastics

Lily has been taking a gymnastics class at the Y and loves it. This past week she had her last day of class where the parents get to come into the class and watch....she did the balance beam, bars and floor...her favorite is the bars. It was so fun to see her in action, but I had to bring the little Joey man in with me, and that wasn't quite as fun!...I just had to take a picture of him during Lily's class for posterity sake...this was pretty much what he looked like through the entire class...he was upset because he wanted to run around on the mats and I wouldn't let him!...yikes!!!!


Lol, that bomber jacket kills me everytime. I love it! And Lil is adorable! Is she going to take more classes later?
Cathie K. said…
Wow! I just saw this. I didn't realize you had written anything since handsome and greta...anyway, adorable pictures of the kids.
keep writing...i love this!!!
Jacque said…
greta! i found you through heidi's blog! love to read this and see you and your kids!

hope you're doing wonderfully well!
Heidi said…
Hey Greta, me too. This is Heidi H. I found your blog through Heidi's as well. Hope you don't mind. I would really love to keep up on your cute family! You are gorgeous as ever and good call with the HANDSOME husband :). Your kids are darling and it has been way to long since I have seen you. I hope your little family is doing well. And I hope that you don't mind a peek into your life. If you would like an invite to my blog shoot me an

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