The Krehbiel gals invade Rochester!

Lily and I had so much fun last weekend when we drove to Minnesota to visit Chrissy and Jeff!
Lily did a great job on our 4 1/2 hour drive, and we only needed to stop once for a break on the way there and back! We did so many things....I got to see the gallery where Chrissy's artwork will be displayed (I'm so excited for her!!), we got to hang out with Willy and Eddie (may I just mention that Eddie and I are big buddies!!), we went shopping (and of course found a mall park for Lily), and we ate lots of yummy treats (I won't go into the extra 5 pounds I came home with!). I also got Chrissy to work on some crafty stuff with me ;) and Jeff gave us a tour of Mayo Clinic (what an amazing place!). What a great weekend!

This is a picture of Chrissy, Lily, and Me at Mayo Clinic.

Isn't this amazing? It's a close-up of the blown glass sculpture behind Me and Chrissy in the first picture. I went to an exhibit of this artist (Dale Chihuly) in Milwaukee years ago and have loved his work since (I think Chrissy was impressed that I knew about the artist :)).

Thanks Chrissy and Jeff for such a fun weekend!...We'll be coming back soon!


We had sooo much fun too! I hope you guys can come back soon! Our house is always open. :D
Cathie K. said…
What a nice way to share your obvious fun weekend. Thanks for the pictures and the well written words. Thanks for letting us in on your weekend at the Meeusen's!
Heidi said…
Yay for Rochester and glass blown art and Chrissy and especially, yay for lots of fun with your new friend, Eddie!!! I loved your post!
Heidi said…
Hey Greta! Cute posts. What a fun weekend. It is great to see a picture of Chrissy. I hardly recognize her. I was laughing reading your posts about the dresses that you have made for Lily. I too have sewed through the entire tip of my finger....however, it scared me so much I just sat there attached to the machine. I had to have someone come and pull the needle out. NICE. I am so glad to see a sewer like me. Your kids are darling. So fun to read about your life.

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