Is it me???

Although I have 5 kids under my roof today, somehow I am blogging?!?... I wanted to quick tell about our adventures and post some pictures today just in case Heidi happened to check!  Let me start with this...anyone who knows me knows one main fact about me and my kids...we have MAJOR sleep issues in this house!!!.. I have always looked at the Justus kids and known they are perfect sleepers...Heidi and Eric can take them anywhere and they sleep.  They go to bed somewhere between 7:00-8:00, and it seems for the most part sleep all night.  I have witnessed this anomaly on numerous occassions.  However, children do not.  I've always thought it was something in the genes, however after last night I realized kids who are around me don't go to sleep!!!  I started the 'going to bed' process at 7:00....I herded all 5 kids upstairs to get ready for bed (Joey was very resistant because he had just woken up 1/2 hour earlier from a nap!!...) Got the 2 boys down, 1/2 hour later the girls, and then 1/2 hour after that came Joey.  So I came down into the living room and took a big sigh of relief....(I did it!)..I got everyone to bed at the correct time and all would be I thought!!  For the next 2 1/2 hours I was up and down those stairs, changing kids around into different beds, taking bathroom breaks, comforting crying kids, shushing others, turning kids around in their beds and tucking others back in!!!  Finally after 2 1/2 hours...they were asleep,...I never thought it would happen, but thanks to my secret telephone helper (grammy to the rescue :) !!!) the kids amazingly fell right asleep!!...We have started the day off at 5:30 a.m. today, but we are all doing great, wide awake, and having tons of fun!!!

Now...I will go back to the original question...Is it me?  Do kids not sleep when they're around me because I'm so much fun and they don't want to miss anything, or do I just give off a special aura that makes kids not sleep.....hmmmmm.......

best buds!!

matching hair styles :)

the cute boys!


Cathie K. said…
Wow! Great blog!!! So well written!! You did it. I don't know how with 5 kids running around, but you did. I'm very proud of you. I cannot believe they were up at 5:30! You must be exhausted. I am and i'm here in my house. :)
I can't believe that you've been up since 5:30 either, wow. You are super-mom! And the girls hair looks amazing, I wish I could do hair like that!
Heidi said…
I don't know what to say. Does a weak and embarrassed "thanks" do the trick?

Or I know...maybe we should just schedule another weekend date next month so that you can perfect the sleeping thing with everyone. Afterall, you are a perfectionist..! Call me up and we'll pick a date and time.

Just a little joke... :-)
Hailey Jones said…
oh my gosh.
i probably think it is you.
because i wouldn't want to sleep because you are waaaaaaaaaaaaay too cool for your own good.
hope you are doing well.
seriously miss you EVERY day.
hopefully gb is warming up.
Heidi said…
what a sweet sister you are! I am so sorry that you are a sleep deprived, sweet sister. I love the hair! Those girls look gorgeous! It is fun to peak in to your world! Thanks for letting me.

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