To all Twilight fans!...

Anyone who has seen New Moon may have noticed Alice's blue wrist warmers in one of the didn't show them for too long though. I made a matching pair for me and Lily, and here is Lily modeling her pair!
Check out this website to see the picture of Alice!


M and D said…
Hey Greta! I do not remember the "arm warmers" but I did think this movie was SOOOO much better than the first. Heidi was telling me that you thought the scene with Bella running in a meadow was as well! We had a good laugh about that for a while that night. Fun pic! Deb Mills:)
Aww, a tiny little Alice! I love the colors, now I want a pair!
Heidi said…
So so cute! Such style:). I am so glad we have twilight fans in Wisconsin! Did you like the movie? I really liked it. I thought it was far better then the last one. Eclipse is by far my favorite of the books though, so I am counting down to JUNE :)!
Brittany Klumb said…
wow,love it! i really want a pair now! these are awesome. great job!! nice colors too!! How cool is that.

lily is so cute!!
Unknown said…
I can't believe how old she looks! Where is our little girl going???

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