
Showing posts from February, 2010

When Your Sister Hacks Into Your Blog...

....she posts old pictures of you! The question is, which one is Greta and which one is Lily? :D    

fun stuff with Lily's hair

I found a new favorite blog! shows all sorts of fun hairstyles to do for girls and so I had to try some of them out... It's been a lot of fun and Lily loves getting her hair done up in new styles. hairstyle #1 Lily and Adam went out to dinner and then came to my symphony concert on a 'date night' and she was excited to get all dressed up for it and I wanted to do her hair special for the night. hairstyle #2 My mom and I took Lily to Disney Princesses on Ice and I found this hairstyle that is fit for a princess! hairstyle #3 I actually made Lily a few minutes late for school today by trying this hair-do....oops!... Anyway, this actually is a pretty quick hairsyle...The other two styles took quite a bit of time.

The Krehbiel gals invade Rochester!

Lily and I had so much fun last weekend when we drove to Minnesota to visit Chrissy and Jeff! Lily did a great job on our 4 1/2 hour drive, and we only needed to stop once for a break on the way there and back! We did so many things....I got to see the gallery where Chrissy's artwork will be displayed (I'm so excited for her!!), we got to hang out with Willy and Eddie (may I just mention that Eddie and I are big buddies!!), we went shopping (and of course found a mall park for Lily), and we ate lots of yummy treats (I won't go into the extra 5 pounds I came home with!). I also got Chrissy to work on some crafty stuff with me ;) and Jeff gave us a tour of Mayo Clinic (what an amazing place!). What a great weekend! This is a picture of Chrissy, Lily, and Me at Mayo Clinic. Isn't this amazing? It's a close-up of the blown glass sculpture behind Me and Chrissy in the first picture. I went to an exhibit of this artist (Dale Chihuly) in Milwaukee years ago and have loved ...

Another dress for Lily

I had a stack of pillow cases given to me today, so I couldn't resist trying to make Lily another dress...Lily can't have anything without fairies or princesses so this dress has fairy ribbon sewn at the bottom and tied around the waist (and yes, we are in Wisconsin where it is snowing out today, but Lily somehow is never cold!). To anyone out there who might be under the wrong impression that I am a good sewer, I will tell you again I am not... This will prove it... While I was sewing today on the sewing machine I actually sewed the needle right through my entire tip of my pointer finger!! ouch!!! Would a real sewer do something like that?? :) Luckily Lily was right there to get me a princess band-aid!