
Showing posts from January, 2010

Lily's new princess dress

Anyone who knows Lily, knows that she LOVES LOVES LOVES princesses. Did I mention how much she loves them? Anyway, we were at Hobby Lobby and she found this adorable purple princess fabric, and immediately loved it and wanted it!...I wasn't sure if I'd actually be able to make anything out of it, because I really am not the best sewer (is that actually a word?) in the world. But I found some cute dresses on-line (they're called pillow case dresses), and I thought I might be able to do it... It was so easy, and once we added the princess ribbon as the belt it was complete! Lily was more than happy to model the dress, so here it is!!

Joey gets a haircut!!

Before I had Joey, I always looked at little boys with long hair and wondered how their mothers could let their hair get that long...and then I had Joey. His little curls were so cute, and I just couldn't bear the thought of cutting them off! It wasn't until a few Sundays ago while we were leaving church that we stopped and talked to someone for a few moments from the Spanish he was speaking to us in English, and he has a very thick accent, but I'm pretty sure he told us how cute our little girl was (while Adam was holding Joey)! From that moment on I have been trying to decide what to do. Joey had been having bad hair day after bad hair day for quite sometime...I would wet his hair down in the morning and spray it with hair spray, and it would poof right back out only moments later!..there was nothing I could do! I thought maybe if I pushed through this phase it would grow out and lay nicely (instead of, as Adam likes to call it, "the mad scientist hair-d...