
Showing posts from October, 2009

Lily's last day of gymnastics

Lily has been taking a gymnastics class at the Y and loves it. This past week she had her last day of class where the parents get to come into the class and watch....she did the balance beam, bars and floor...her favorite is the bars. It was so fun to see her in action, but I had to bring the little Joey man in with me, and that wasn't quite as fun!...I just had to take a picture of him during Lily's class for posterity sake...this was pretty much what he looked like through the entire class...he was upset because he wanted to run around on the mats and I wouldn't let him!...yikes!!!!


It has been quite chilly out lately, and we've had to get all those warm clothes back out. I came across this blue jacket for Joey, and it used to be Adam's when he was a little boy!! Joey is almost too big for it already, but hopefully we can squeeze him into it (and the hat) for the next month or so... I went shopping with my friend Ashli a few weeks ago and picked up this hat for Lily. When I got home and gave it to her, she wasn't quite sure about it, but as soon as I told her Ashli helped picked it out and loved it, she has wanted to wear it outside all the time!...I guess she's still not so sure about my taste! She is my voice of fashion, and she will definitely let me know if she doesn't like something I am wearing or something I pick out for her to wear. Along that same line, she lets me know if she doesn't like my hair on a particular day too!! Isn't it nice?...I never have to wonder.

I'm just sitting back....

Ok, seriously I do a lot of cleaning myself around the house...but you'd never believe it after seeing this!...Lily and Joey honestly got into a fight over who was going to vacuum today!...I had to distract Lily with telling her she could dust!!...finally that made her happy. Hopefully they will always be this willing to help me clean... (yeah right!!! ;) ) Are there child labor laws about this??

I start training them while they're young!

Joey swivel sweeping the kitchen....he loves emptying the dishwasher too :)

Adam's Back!

Adam just got back this morning from yet another LONG trip to Brazil and Chile. Everybody is excited when he comes's always fun to have him back, but the question is...What did he bring us???? Almost every trip he takes to Brazil, brings me a new pair of shoes, and he has gotten soo good at picking out shoes for me.... He didn't let me down this time, and I have another very very cool pair of shoes! He usually brings Lily back some chocolate kitty tongues (not really, that's just the name) and Joey gets some bites of Adam's left over candy from the airplane ride. :) Things happen fast around here...almost everytime Adam leaves for a trip, Joey or Lily have some sort of major milestone. This time I cut bangs on Lily for the first time!! Lily loves getting her hair cut and so it actually took three separate days worth of cutting her hair to get them how they are now....she keeps wanting to cut more off so she can get her hair done, but I have to put the stop on ...

To all my many readers!...

I would like to publicly thank Heidi and Chrissy for starting this blog for me!!...without them, who knows how long it would have taken me to ever do this. I have been wanting to do this for a few years now, so I feel an extra incentive to write since they took their time to get it started...Thanks you guys!!!! I love it :)

A New Beginning

Two of Greta's biggest fans have started this blog dedicated to all things Greta; food, kids, hair, kids, Brazil, kids, clothes, kids, church and We love you Greta! And we love those kids too!!! Love Chrissy and Heidi