
Showing posts from March, 2010

Is it me???

Although I have 5 kids under my roof today, somehow I am blogging?!?... I wanted to quick tell about our adventures and post some pictures today just in case Heidi happened to check!  Let me start with this...anyone who knows me knows one main fact about me and my kids...we have MAJOR sleep issues in this house!!!.. I have always looked at the Justus kids and known they are perfect sleepers...Heidi and Eric can take them anywhere and they sleep.  They go to bed somewhere between 7:00-8:00, and it seems for the most part sleep all night.  I have witnessed this anomaly on numerous occassions.  However, children do not.  I've always thought it was something in the genes, however after last night I realized kids who are around me don't go to sleep!!!  I started the 'going to bed' process at 7:00....I herded all 5 kids upstairs to get ready for bed (Joey was very resistant because he had just woken up 1/2 hour earlier from a nap!!...) Got the 2 boys down, 1...